Curso de C++ Builder

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Página Data Controls

Iconos de los componentes agrupados en la página Data Controls

Esta página incluye componentes especialzados para gestión de bases de datos:


DBGrid Data-aware custom grid that enables viewing and editing data in a tabular form similar to a spreadsheet. Makes extensive use of TField properties (set in the Fields editor) to determine a column's visibility, display format, ordering, and so on.
DBNavigator Data-aware navigation buttons that move a table's current record pointer forward or backward. The navigator can also place a table in Insert, Edit, or Browse state, post new or modified records, and retrieve updated data to refresh the display.
DBText Data-aware label that displays a field value in the current record.
DBEdit Data-aware edit box that displays or edits a field in the current record.
DBMemo Data-aware memo box that displays or edits BLOB text in the current record.
DBImage Data-aware image box that displays, cuts, or pastes bitmapped BLOB images to and from the current record.
DBListBox Data-aware list box that displays a scrolling list of values from a column in a table.
DBComboBox Data-aware combo box that displays or edits a scrolling list of values from a column in a table.
DBCheckBox Data-aware check box that displays or edits a Boolean data field from the current record.
DBRadioGroup Data-aware group of radio buttons that display or set column values.
DBLookupListBox DBLookupListBox is a data-aware list box that derives its list of display items from either a Lookup field defined for a dataset or a secondary data source, data field, and key. In either case, a user is presented with a restricted list of choices from which to set a valid field value. When a user selects a list item, the corresponding field value is changed in the underlying dataset. To specify list box items using a lookup field, the dataset to which you link the control must already define a lookup field.
DBLookupComboBox DBLookupComboBox is a data-aware combo box that derives its drop-down list of display items from either a lookup field defined for a dataset or a secondary data source, data field, and key. In either case, a user is presented with a restricted list of choices from which to set a valid field value. When a user selects a list item, the corresponding field value is changed in the underlying dataset. To specify combo box list items using a lookup field, the dataset to which you link the control must already define a lookup field.
DBRichEdit A multiline edit control that can display and edit a rich text memo field in a dataset.
DBCtrlGrid A DBCtrlGrid control displays multiple fields in multiple records in a tabular grid format. Each cell in the grid displays multiple fields from a single record.
DBChart Place the component on a form and right-click it to display the third-party developer's Help topics.