Página Internet
Iconos de los componentes agrupados en la página Internet
Los componentes de esta página ofrecen diferentes protocolos de acceso a Internet:
ClientSocket | Add to a form or data module to turn an application into a TCP/IP client. ClientSocket specifies a desired connection to a TCP/IP server, manages the open connection, and terminates the completed connection. |
ServerSocket | Add to a form or data module to turn an application into a TCP/IP server. ServerSocket listens for requests for TCP/IP connections from other machines and establishes connections when requests are received. |
WebDispatcher | Converts an ordinary data module to a Web module and enables the Web server application to respond to HTTP request messages. |
PageProducer | Converts an HTML template into a string of HTML commands that can be interpreted by a client application such as a Web browser. The commands and HTML-transparent tags are replaced with customized content by the OnHTMLTag event. |
QueryTableProducer | Assembles a sequence of HTML commands to generate a tabular display of the records from a TQuery object, which obtains its parameters from an HTTP request message. |
DataSetTableProducer | Assembles a sequence of HTML commands to generate a tabular display of the records from a TDataSet object. This allows an application to create images of a dataset for an HTTP response message. |
DataSetPageProducer | Converts an HTML template that contains field references into a string of HTML commands that can be interpreted by a client application such as a Web browser. Special HTML-transparent tags are replaced with field values. |
NMDayTime | Gets the date and time from an internet/intranet daytime server. |
NMEcho | Sends text to an internet echo server, and echoes it back to you. |
NMFinger | Gets information about a user from an internet finger server, using the Finger protocol described in RFC 1288. |
NMFTP | Implements file transfer protocol. Invisible ActiveX control provides easy access for Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services for transferring files and data between a remote and local machine. |
NMHTTP | Invisible ActiveX control implements the HTTP Protocol Client, allowing users to directly retrieve HTTP documents if no browsing or image processing is necessary. |
NMMsg | Sends simple ASCII text messages across the internet or intranet using TCP/IP protocol. |
NMMsgServ | Receives messages sent with the TNMMsg component. |
NMNNTP | Invisible ActiveX Client Control allows applications to access Networking News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) news servers. It provides news reading and posting capabilities. |
NMPOP3 | Invisible ActiveX control that retrieves mail from UNIX or other servers supporting POP3 protocol. |
NMUUProcessor | MIME encodes or UUEncodes files and decodes MIME-encoded or UUEncoded files. |
NMSMTP | ActiveX control that gives applications access to SMTP mail servers and mail posting capabilities. |
NMStrm | Sends streams to a stream server across the internet or an intranet. |
NMStrmServ | Receives streams sent with the TNMStrm component. |
NMTime | Gets the date and time from Internet time servers, as described in RFC 868. |
NMUDP | Invisible WinSock ActiveX Control provides easy access to User Datagram Protocol (UDP) network services. It implements WinSock for both client and server and represents a communication point utilizing UDP network services. It can also be used to send and retrieve UDP data. |
PowerSock | Serves as a base for creating controls for dealing with other protocols, or for creating custom protocols. |
NMGeneralServer | Serves as a base class for developing multi-threaded internet servers, such as custom servers or servers that support RFC standards. |
HTML | Invisible ActiveX control implements an HTML viewer, with or without automatic network retrieval of HTML documents, and provides parsing and layout of HTML data, as well as a scrollable view of the selected HTML page. The HTML component can also be used as a nonvisual HTML parser to analyze or process HTML documents. |
NMURL | Decodes URL data into a readable string, and encodes standard strings into URL data format. |