Curso de C++ Builder

La paleta de componentes

Página QReport

Iconos de los componentes agrupados en la página QReport

Esta página incluye componentes para diseñar rápidamente informes y resúmenes. Se pueden incorporar cabeceras y pies de páginas, resúmenes, agrupaciones con cabeceras y pies, etc. Estos informes pueden realizarse a partir de cualquier fuente de datos: TTable, TQuery, listas, matrices, etc. arrays. Puede usarse un visalizador previo para comprobar los resultados. Automáticamente se realizan cálculos similares a como se hacen en una hoja de cálculo.


QuickRep The basic report form on which you build all your reports. It is a visual component that takes the shape of the currently selected paper size. Create reports by dropping bands and printable components on the TQuickRep component and connecting it to a dataset.
QRSubDetail Links additional datasets into a report. Typically you would set up a master/detail relationship between table or query components and create a similar relationship with TQRSubDetail components.
QRStringsBand Drops bands containing strings onto a report.
QRBand Drop bands on a TQuickRep component and set the BandType property to tell how the band will behave during report generation.
QRChildBand If you have bands with expanding components and want other components to be moved down accordingly you can create a child band and put the moving components on it. It's also useful if you have very long bands that span multiple pages.
QRGroup Allows you to group bands together and provides control for headers, footers, and page breaks.
QRLabel Prints static or other non-database text. Enter the text to be displayed in the Caption property. You can split text on multiple lines and even multiple pages.
QRDBText A data-aware version of the TQRLabel that prints the value of a database field. Calculated fields and text field types can be printed, including String fields, various numeric fields, date fields and memo fields. Text can span multiple lines and pages. You connect the component to the data field by setting the DataSource and DataField properties. Unlike regular data-aware components, TQRDBText works even with dataset controls disabled to improve speed.
QRExpr Prints database fields, calculations, and static text. Input a valid QuickReport expression in the Expression property.
QRSysData Prints system information such as report title, current page number, and so on. Select the data to print in the Data property. Set any preceding text in the Text property.
QRMemo Prints a large amount of text that does not come from a database field. It can be static text or you can change it during report generation. You can set the field to expand vertically as needed and then span multiple pages if necessary.
QRExprMemo Allows you to programmatically generate contents using Quick Report expressions.
QRRichText Allows you to embed rich text into your report.
QRDBRichText Provides a Quick Report wrapper for accessing DBRichText fields in your reports.
QRShape Draws simple shapes like rectangles, circles, and lines on a report.
QRImage Displays a picture on a report. Supports all image formats supported by the TPicture class.
QRDBImage Prints images stored in binary (BLOB) fields. Prints all graphics formats supported by C++Builder.
QRCompositeReport Allows you to combine more than one report together.
QRPreview Brings up a form that allows you to preview a report on the screen and print it.
QRTextFilter Lets you export the contents of your report into text format.
QRCSVFilter Lets you export the contents of your report into a comma-delimited database source file.
QRHTMLFilter Lets you export the contents of your report into HTML.
QRChart Allows you to take a TChart component and drop it onto your Quick Report form.